This brings me to pockets today. In a weird way, pockets can be seen as a symbol of independence throughout history. We’ve been through the skinny jean phase, the jeggings with fake pockets, which had no point other than decoration, and the loose jeans phase. My loose jeans all have pockets, but statistically speaking, women’s pockets are 48% shorter and 6.5% narrower than mens, and with my phone getting bigger and bigger every year, this isn’t the best situation to be in. I should be able to fit an iPhone in my pocket if men can fit a TV in there’s, with the remote.
Do you think pockets will grow or shrink in the next 5 years? Comment below. So many powerful women are shining in this time of life, which is why I won’t be surprised if pockets get bigger. The world doesn’t officially know the answer to this, however, I predict that people will find out the truth about pockets soon. The good thing is now you know and you can spread the word.
I’ve linked a few amazing women’s empowerment gifts below. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. It’s a great way to support this blog so I can continue making articles for you. Also, give my shop a visit, my black hat is currently on sale. You may not be able to look at pockets the same ever again, but I hope that you feel more educated after this.
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