How To: Instagram Pronouns Update

Instagram pronouns rundown

The Instagram pronoun update allows you to express your gender identity even more, by allowing you to add your pronouns. It now gives the option to choose up to four pronouns from their list. 

Here’s how to do it!

Instagram Pronouns Update Gender

How To Add The Pronouns

First, open up Instagram.

(Mine is @DJKrystalLake, show me love ❤️)

Click edit profile.

Now you’ll see pronouns in your profile section, so go ahead and click that.

Instagram allows you to select pronouns from their list and these pronouns include: She, He, They, Ze, and much more.

You can also choose to show your followers only or make it public by toggling the “show to followers only” button.

Now go back to your profile and you can now see that the pronouns are in here.

You can edit or remove the pronouns at any time.

Instagram Pronouns Update Gender

Are IG Pronouns Available Everywhere?

No, some countries don’t have this feature. This is a great time to check if your country has the Instagram pronouns update.

Instagram Pronouns Update Gender

Thoughts Of Instagram Pronouns

Some people might be upset, but hear me out.

Transgender, non-binary people, queer people, and allies have been voicing their concerns and trying to be heard for the longest.

A move like this makes everything more inclusive, and it lowers the risk of people assuming pronouns. It makes stating pronouns more common. Instagram is saying we see you, and your gender identity. And I feel like that’s a beautiful thing. Especially when it comes to self-discovery we see you

I feel like it’s an amazing step forward, and other social media platforms should do the same.

How do you feel about it, comment below?

Instagram Pronouns Update Gender

Shop: Gender Identity

Now that you know all about the update. Here are a few other tools to help you with understanding gender identity. 

A lot of these are great gifts as well to you or anyone else. I hope this article helped you out. Enjoy the new feature and the amazing gifts below. 

Some of these are affiliate links. All are great in my opinion. Enjoy! 
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